Shift Happens

Shift Happens

Mid-week, mid-unit. Lately, I’m feeling like I’m always in the middle of things. I think it’s in part because once I get a new adventure underway, I’m continually deepening, enhancing, expanding, re-routing, and revising it. Sometimes maybe...
They Can Turn On The Light

They Can Turn On The Light

My AP students are studying sonnets, and learning about how to read them to discover their riches. This is not to say one can’t simply read a sonnet, love it or hate it, and move on. This is to say there is an artistry to the form – an artistry to any form...
Sticky Notes to the Rescue

Sticky Notes to the Rescue

Tuesdays are generally the hardest day of the week for me. Mondays are hard for most, Wednesday is the halfway point, Thursday is “one more day” and Friday, well, TGIF, right? But today was different. Don’t get me wrong – it wasn’t...
Joy & School

Joy & School

Snow days are a rite of passage; children wake to learn or sometimes go to bed knowing) school has been cancelled and in its place is manifested one of the great equations of childhood: snow + no school = joy. I’m not writing to argue that. When schools (and...