Peer Review for the Writing Win

Peer Review for the Writing Win

Over the years I’ve made so many strides in my teaching work as result of one core belief in particular: students learn more when they’re doing the heavy lifting, and they rather enjoy it when they’re helping their peers in the process. I’ve...
They Can Turn On The Light

They Can Turn On The Light

My AP students are studying sonnets, and learning about how to read them to discover their riches. This is not to say one can’t simply read a sonnet, love it or hate it, and move on. This is to say there is an artistry to the form – an artistry to any form...
Writing Myself A Home

Writing Myself A Home

I do not know why some people behave the way they do. I’ve spent years listening to podcasts about behavior, reading books to better understand myself and others, and – hell – I’ve been a teacher of high school students for over 25 years now. I...