Not too long ago I saw a meme that suggested we not claim this year as our year, not do too much to celebrate right away, waiting until perhaps sometime in July.
I get that.
And…I don’t.
Today – a beginning – is a time to pause.
To breathe in something ending. To breathe out something new.
For me, this “something new” is one of the most exciting endeavors I feel I’ve undergone: claiming and taking and making space for ME. Perhaps even connecting to you in some meaningful way.
So, here I am. Hello. My name is michelle g. bulla.
Yes, the lower case in my typed name is intentional. The first writing professor I had in college wrote her name in lower case, and when I asked her about it, she indicated that she felt her work should stand in front of her. I began to think about that, and realized that while names are vitally and significantly important, what she was saying was that it – she – was supporting her thinking and her work, not the other way around.
It made so much sense to me. Who we are matters, of course. But what we do makes us who we are to others. And in writing, we are being something / bringing something of ourselves to others.
So, soon after I started my professional journey as a teacher, I started typing my name in lower case. I started casually, not wanting to make waves in grad school, but willing to make them – subtly – in my workplace. I never commented on it, never demanded it, never ignored communication or paychecks or accolades that came with my name in caps. And in fact, when I handwrite, it’s always with a capital. I rather like how I make my “Ms,” having worked on my signature all throughout school.
But when I type it, it’s in lower case. I like the aesthetic. And I like the significance. For me. From me, to you.
And so… hello.
I’m michelle.
And I’m glad you stopped by.
For 2022, I hope you’re celebrating YOU. In caps or lower case, in your LBD or comfy pants, with your you-know-what together in new year intention lists, or with them scribbled on teeny pieces of paper, written in stolen in moments of inspiration, or just feeling them bloom in that heart of yours.
Celebrate as you are. I intend to.
Cheers to you my friend!